International Committee of Pipe (smoker) Clubs / Comité International des Pipe Clubs
To: national presidents and the pipe smokers of the CIPC community – From: the CIPC president. Regarding: up-date information and action – newsletter 09 / Spring 2019.
Dear friends, this is the first newsletter of 2019 and I would like to bring the following points to your attention:
* LVIV 2019 / World Cup CIPC championship.
At the end of the WCP 2018 in Tokyo / Japan we announced our next event: the World Cup (for teams) in LVIV / Ukrain. Of course I hope the dates are in your agenda: 11, 12 & 13 October 2019. I had a fine meeting last January in LVIV with the organization team and they are working very hard to make it a great event! The official website is open NOW so have a look for a first impression: and find out what is the championship tobacco. Registration only by the national CIPC pipe smokers organization!
* More in detail.
– On my way back home from Japan I had a very nice meeting in Singapore. To my surprise there was a delegation of the Pipe Club of Indonesia (PCI) present to introduce themselves to the international pipe smokers world. Because of the good contacts it is possible that the PCI wants to join the international CIPC community in the near future;
– And there are more new contacts. The new CIPC vice president Tsuge has contact with the representatives of Malaysia and I have as well contact with the pipe smoker club in Ljubljana / Slovenia, so maybe more to come;
– The minutes of the General Assembly meeting of Tokyo are almost ready so within a couple of weeks the national CIPC presidents will find that important CIPC paper in their mailbox;
– Last month, on the 23rd of March, the Nordic Smokers Guild had their own General Assembly in Copenhagen. During their meeting they have chosen a new president, mr. Peter Behrendt Lau.
There are a lot of very nice events showing our fine hobby and tradition of pipe smoking. PLEASE share your pictures at our face book page and /or CIPC website. THANKS a lot!
Please, do not keep this information only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on facebook.
Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. / CIPC president.