Dear friends,
On behalf of the CIPC Board members I want to make a big compliment for the organization of the CIPC World Championship for TEAMS 2024 in POZNAN / Poland. MANY THANKS for mr. Schmidt and his team for bringing together pipe smokers and their friends during a very fine weekend. Special highlight the TEAM winners from the Czech Republic in first and second place!

The program for the weekend was great with a very fine GALA dinner party on Saturday evening. A great pleasure was the performance of the Polish musicians and the Dutch students / pipe smokers showing their cultural heritage!
Saturday morning we had our General Assembly with all the national presidents. Important to know: the new CIPC championship rules are now approved! The treasurer explained the financial situation of the CIPC and the conclusion is: we are a healthy organization!
At the beginning of the Championship on Sunday afternoon there was a special moment to welcome the pipe smokers delegation from Lebanon. A big applause for their courage to join us in Poznan / Poland!
Finally, our next CIPC event, the World Championship 2025, is in OIRSCHOT / the Netherlands (just 11 miles from Eindhoven). The CIPC president told us that the date of the championship is ready: Sunday October 12!
Kind regards,
Cornelius C. N. Crans MA.
Strong advice: please, do not keep this info only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on facebook and Instagram.