Dear friends,
With this “winter” newsletter I would like to draw your attention to the new CIPC products, made last year and special attention to the upcoming International Pipe Smoking day (IPSD) that will be held on February 20th 2023.
During the G.A. in ISTABUL we made the annoucement already but now everything is ready: 3(!) brandnew CIPC products:
- THE software program for slow smoking competitions
- THE guide for the organization of a CIPC championship in slow pipe smoking
- THE (new!) CIPC regulations for International Pipe Smoking Championships.
More info on our CIPC website and MANY THANKS Michal and Mark for this EXCELLENT work!
Like we discussed during our CIPC G.A. in ISTANBUL I would like to urge all of you to participate in the IPSD 2023 project by having (not only) your national members organize a chain of national events in your country but join our special “50 years” photo competition. This can vary from groups of pipe smoking people gathering at a well-known national spot to a very simple smoking evening at your local club and everything in between but ….. with your home-made sign: “CIPC 50 years”!
Send two pictures, before the beginning of March 2023, to the S.G. mr. Mark Dyer. An independent jury will choose the “best one” being announced at the beginning of the World Championship in Bucharest. Of course “physical” proof of all the pictures / your participation will be placed on the CIPC website.
Be as creative as possible and come foreward with your outstanding products!
Finally, visit in the coming weeks / month our CIPC website for more info about the upcoming CIPC World Championhip in Bucharest / Rumania.
Kind regards,
Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. – CIPC president.
Strong advice: please, do not keep this info only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on facebook.
Attachment: special CIPC flyer IPSD.