THANKS A LOT dear friends in ISTANBUL for your hospitality and friendship: it was GREAT!!!
We started, mr. Turgay Ocak and myself, together our discussion about a CIPC event in Turkey some time ago (Spain 2017). The green light was giving two years later (Ukrain 2019) and everything was ready for the event in 2020. But, at the beginning of March 2020 the world was kept under lock and key because of Covid. After two years of working behind the scenes finally we were able to come together in ISTANBUL. All kinds of fine events with a lot of highlights but very special was the boat trip / GALA Dinner on the Bosporus.
At our G.A. meeting (with all the national CIPC presidents) we welcomed two new representatives: mrs. Genny Magrin form Italy and mr. Jacek Schmidt form Poland. Very special moment was the request to become a new member of our international organization from BULGARIA. It is no surprise to know that the request was accepted unanimously!
Talking about the future we discussed our next CIPC championship in 2023. After a fine introduction by mr. Radu Cucuta everybody agreed to have our next CIPC WORLD Championship in BUCHAREST / Romania (Sunday 08/10/2023).
Celebrating our 50th anniversary (1970-2020) was small but nice! Very special was the letter from (one of) the CIPC founder(s) mr. Pierre Muller. In his opinion the CIPC is after 50 years still a strong international organization. The CIPC president presented his “self made” 50 years CIPC video overview with pictures and movie parts (see CIPC website) / a personal gift (USB memory stick) for the national CIPC presidents.
Finally the IPSD 2023. The suggestion from the CIPC president was accepted to take national pictures around that special date (12/02/2023) with the 50 year flag / logo. There will be a competition for the best picture and the winner to be announced during the event in Romania.

Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. – President of the CIPC.
ps. PLEASE, do not keep this information only for yourself but communicate this newsletter with your (national) pipe smokers using all kinds of social media.