International Committee of Pipe (smoker) Clubs / Comité International des Pipe Clubs
To: national presidents and the pipe smokers of the
CIPC community – From: the CIPC president. Regarding: up-date information and
actions –
newsletter 11 / Winter 2020.
Dear friends, I would like to bring the following point(s) to your attention:
With this “winter” newsletter I would like to draw your special attention to the upcoming International Pipe Smoking day (IPSD) that will be held on February 20th 2020.
Like we discussed during our CIPC G.A. in LVIV I would like to urge all of you to participate in the IPSD 2020 process by having (not only) your national members organize a chain of national events in your country but join our special “50 years” photo competition. This can vary from groups of pipe smoking people gathering at a well-known national spot to a very simple smoking evening at your local club and everything in between but ….. with your home-made sign: “CIPC 50 years” (see the idea of myself in the attachment),
Of course “physical” proof by two (or more) digital pictures (or video’s) will be placed on the CIPC website. Send it before the end of February to the S.G. mr. Mark Dyer. An independent jury will choose the “best one” for our G.A. meeting in ISTANBUL.
Be as creative as possible and come foreward with your outstanding products!
Finally, we had a very intense discussion in the G.A. about “the culture of pipe smoking” being a cultural heritage. Everybody agreed that the regulation of national governments about “smoking” have nothing to do with our fine and historical hobby. Using the more neutral content “the culture of pipe smoking” opens doors for a more objective discussion. So, PLEASE, continue the Intangible Cultural Heritage project on your own national level and be sure I’m “always ready” to help you!
Do not forget to share your national info at our face book page and /or CIPC website.
THANKS a lot!
Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. – CIPC president.
Strong advice: please, do not keep this info only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on facebook.