Bulgarian Pipe Club
Address: 9А, Layosh Koshut str
PC, City: 1606 Sofia
Tel. No:
E-mail: pipeclub.bg@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/pipeclub.bg.official
National President
Name: Petar Petrov
PC, City:
Phone private: +359 884 513 568
Phone job:
E-mail: pipeclub.bg@gmail.com

Associated Pipeclubs
List of Pipeclubs here
Miscellaneous information
Bulgarian Pipe Club was established in 2019. It brings together admirers, collectors and
pipe smokers from all over the country. In fact, BPC is the only club in Bulgaria so far.
It features pipe artisans and accessory makers also.
The club has existed legally for a while, but informal meetings of pipe lovers have been
held since ten years ago. During this time, there are eight P.O.Y. cast by the associates of this society.
The last two of the issues are official club items.
In the year of its establishment, the club participates as a co-founder of the BPCA – Balkan
Pipe Clubs Association together with İstanbul Pipo Derneği / Istanbul Pipe Club and Pipe & Cigar
Club Romania.
BPC participated in two editions of the Balkan Cup of Slow Pipe Smoking:
- 2020 in Istanbul
- 2022 in Bucharest*
and also first participation in the World Cup of CIPC in Istanbul 2022.
To date, the club has 39 registered members. The Club’s management board consists of three
members. In the current mandate:
Petar Petrow – president of the club
Ludmil Zahariev – secretary
Zdravko Petrov – second secretary