Presidents newsletter nr. 21 / Spring 2023

Dear friends,
On behalf of the CIPC Board members I want to invite you heartily for the (15th) CIPC World Championship 2023 in Bucharest / Romania, between 6th and 8th of October. Since 1970, the CIPC world organization brings pipe smokers and their friends together and today we have around 30 countries / member states.

“Pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs” (quote of Mr. Albert Einstein). Pipe smokers, whether beginners or veterans are welcome to join the international pipe smokers community and share in our quest to show our fine hobby together with pipe makers, traders and tobacconists. Romania 2023 is an important CIPC activity that fullfills this mission and to reach our threefold aim:

  • to present pipe smoking as an expression of individual personal freedom;
  • to secure pipe smoking for coming generations as an intangible cultural heritage and
  • to show that pipe smoking is a life style that stands for “good taste and quality”.

The program for the weekend looks great and all the details you can find at the special website of the Romanian organization We strongly recommend purchasing the tickets online and please notice that the online registration is open until 31th August!

Finally, I wish you all wonderful days in Bucharest / Romania, a lots of success at the championship but most important: ENJOY and relax with your pipe!

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. – CIPC president

Strong advice: please, do not keep this info only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on facebook.

Posted in CIPC Championship, Contest, Newsletter, Invitation.