We are happy to bring you a ceremonial evaluation of this competition.
The whole competition was a bit unconventional and therefore it is unconventional the way how we determine the winner. As it was written in the propositions, the winner will be the one who reaches above-average time. Therefore, we need a bit of math and statistics to find out who is the winner.
- For the statistical calculation, we did not take into account the shortest (0:00:00) and the longest (9:03:00) time. The remaining 51 competitors smoked together for 39 hours 55 minutes and 4 seconds = 143704 seconds
- Average time = 143704/51 = 2818 seconds = 46 minutes 58 seconds
- The closest above-average time was reached by Petro MALITSKYI from Lviv Pipe Club with a time of 47 minutes 0 seconds and he becomes the winner of the Festoráci Fest – Corn Cob Competition 2021 and wins the first prize, which is:
Pipe Dunhill Virtual Limited Edition.

Congratulations to the winner. The winning prize will be sent to the winner by ceremonial e-mail. !!!
Thank you all again for taking part in this competition, you were amazing.
Evaluation of the competition through the eyes of the participants
(Google translate)
- from Poland: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://kalumet.pl/wirtualny-dunhill-z-nitry-do-lwowa/
- from Czech: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.fajfklub.cz/akce_festoraci_nitra2021.htm
- from Japan: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.pipeclub-jpn.org/pipe/detail_283.html
Photo Galery at Google photo

Overview report
Festoraci2021OverviewReportResult list
Pipe Club Nitra invites you to a virtual global April Fools’ Day competition in slow pipe smoking.
So far, pipe smokers from 10 countries are registered: USA, Russia, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Czechia and Slovakia.
Registration of competitors: no later than midnight on March 31, 2021 by email to: pipeclubnitra@gmail.com
Video meeting – Google Meet (not mandatory) at 6:00pm CET at: https://meet.google.com/bvk-segh-hwt
Warning: Google has announced that it will limit free video calls to 60 minutes from April 1, 2021. If your call is canceled, we’ll try to create a new one and post it here immediately.
More info:
5thFestoraci-Fest2021_enPrevious non virtual contests: