Results WCP Cologne

Individual classifikation

  1. Sonderman, Hans: (Netherlands) 02:26:28
  2. Ruscalla, Gianfranco: (Italy) 02:24:11
  3. Balint, Peter: (Hungary) 02:14:26best woman:
    Dobnig, Elisabeth: (Austria) 01:50:22 (8)

See for the total list HERE

National Teams classifikation

  1. Team Italy: 05:41:26
    Ruscalla, Gianfranco (02:24:11)
    Gava, Luigi (01:39:50)
    Conia, Enzo (01:37:25)
    Martini, Aldo (01:36:55)
    Dal Bo', Christian (01:25:18)
  2. Team Netherlands: 05:31:26
    Sonderman, Hans (02:26:28)
    Both, Jan (01:35:33)
    De Jong, Rients (01:29:25)
    Heis, Mark (00:58:46)
    Zondag, Jannie (00:36:45)
  3. Team Japan: 05:01:08
    Koyama, Masayoshi (02:02:37)
    Fujiwara, Choichi (01:35:13)
    Moriya, Shuko (01:23:18)
    Yamada, Tsubara (00:45:29)
    Aoba, Andrew Y. (00:42:42)


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WCP2014 winners

The fully packed room

The fully packed room