Presidents newsletter nr. 12 / Spring 2020

Dear friends,
with this “spring” newsletter I would like to draw the attention of the CIPC international pipe smokers community to a special announcement about the CIPC Championship 2020 in ISTANBUL – Turkey.
First of all I want to thank mr. Turgay and our Turkish friends for their hospitality during my visit to ISTANBUL at the end of February 2020. Looking at all the work they already did to prepare ISTANBUL 2020 ( a big compliment!) and not knowing what was coming in the following weeks. Now 8 weeks later we are living in a totally different world with only one important issue in the news: Covid-19 virus! We are with our thoughts with our friends in Italy, UK, Russia and the USA, knowing there are many sad stories in a lot of other countries as well.
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you all with regard to this years CIPC competition in ISTANBUL. The CIPC Board took the very difficult decision to postpone the event to 10-10-2021. So, already a new date to look forward to and a “double championship” (EU & World Cup) at one event, of course in ISTANBUL!

“Dear All,
We had sincerely hoped that EUROPEAN CHAMPIOSHIP will be greet in 2020, but due the chaos of COVID-19 we were forced to take the difficult decision to postpone this event to 10.10.2021 .
Our team already worked hardly to ensure a successful event, but with this update we need to think positively and we find that we will have enough time to planing a more spectacular and unforgettable championship .
We look forward to welcoming you at 10.10.2021 to double celebrate one for the winner and one for finishing this chaos.

Kind regards,

Turgay Ocak
Istanbul Pipe Club
Pipe Clubs of Turkey, President”

Once again, we had a very intense discussion in the G.A. / LVIV about “the culture of pipe smoking” being a cultural heritage. Using the more neutral content “the culture of pipe smoking” opens doors for a more objective discussion. So, PLEASE, now is the time, being at home, to continue the Intangible Cultural Heritage project at your own national level (and be sure I’m “always ready” to help you!)
Finally: PLEASE share your national info on our CIPC facebook page (website out-of-order!)
WISH all my pipe smoker friends around the world: STAY SAFE & HEALTHY!!!
Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. – CIPC president.
Strong advice: please, do not keep this info only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on your facebook.

Posted in Newsletter.