Michael ‘Doc’ Garr

Address of Michael ‘Doc’ GARR in USA:

Name Michael ‘Doc’ GARR
CIPC Titel vice president
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Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1951. Studied sociology at Ohio University where he received a Bachelor’s degree in 1974 and a Master’s degree in 1978. Dr. Garr then studied sociology at Indiana University where he received a Ph.D. in 1984.

Since 1984, Dr. Garr has taught in the Sociology and Criminology programs at Wilkes University, a small liberal arts college in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He teaches courses in introductory sociology, statistics, social theory and oversees all senior projects. His most recent research examines differences in health among current cigarette smokers, former cigarette smokers, pipe and cigar smokers, and non-smokers.

Dr. Garr started smoking a pipe relatively late in life, starting in his early forties. He is one of the founding members of the Pocono Intermountain Pipe Enthusiasts (PIPE) and is currently the president. PIPE was also one of the founding member club of the United Pipe Clubs of America (UPCA) in 2002. He became Vice-President of UPCA in 2010 and president in 2013.