Dear friends,
On behalf of the CIPC Board members (and I’m sure of all the participants / pipe smokers) I want to make a big compliment for the organization of the (15th) CIPC World Championship 2023 in Bucharest / Romania.
MANY THANKS for Radu Cucuta and his team for bringing together pipe smokers and their friends during a very fine weekend with the highlight the CIPC World Championship with the Italian winner mr. Alberton.
The program for the weekend was great with a very fine GALA dinner party on Saturday evening. What a great surprise to see the well dressed Dutch students / pipe smokers and the performance of Romanian artists showing their cultural heritage!
Saturday morning we had our General Assembly with all the national presidents .

Important to know:
- a new two years scheme of championships (only World Cup and World Championship)
- a new country: Taiwan
- CIPC is also on Instagram.
At the beginning of the Championship there was the price giving of the IPSD photo competition and the announcement of a new edition 2024. Every CIPC country member takes pictures of a (heritage) pipe (min. 3 / max. 5 pictures) in a traditional environment, see example:

Finally, our next CIPC (World Cup) championship is in Poland. Mr. Schmidt told us that the location is still “under research” but at the end of this year 2023 there will be “good news”. We wait with patience for his report!
Kind regards,
Cornelius C.N. Crans MA. – CIPC president.
Strong advice: please, do not keep this info only for yourselves but communicate this newsletter with your pipe smokers friends by using all kinds of social media / sharing info on facebook and Instagram.