Missing your national website?
A growing list of national websites:
- Austria: https://sites.google.com/site/oepc2009/
- Denmark: http://www.n-t.dk/
- France: http://www.fumeursdepipe.net/
- Germany: http://www.vdp-pfeifenverband.de/
- Hungary: http://www.pipaszovetseg.hu/
- Italy: http://www.pipaclubitalia.org/
- Netherlands: http://www.pijprokers.nl
- Poland: http://rpkf.art.pl/
- Portugal: http://www.cachimboclube.pt/
- Romania: http://www.pipaclub.ro
- Russia: http://www.pipeclub.ru/
- Slowakia: http://www.pipeclub.sk
- Switzerland: http://www.pcs-pfeifen-club-schweiz.ch/
- United Kingdom (England, Scotland, N.Ireland and Wales):
- Edinburgh Pipe Club - http://edinburghpipeclub.blogspot.com
- John Hollingsworth Pipe Club - www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=84493377073
- Kearvaig Pipe Club - http://www.kearvaigpipeclub.co.uk/
- Nottingham Pipe Club - www.nottinghamtobacco.co.uk/about/
- Pipe Club of Norfolk - www.pipeclubofnorfolk.co.uk/pcntext.php
- Pipe Club of London - http://pipecluboflondon.com/
- Smokers Forums Pipe Club - http://pipesmokersforum.com
- South West Pipe Club - http://www.southwestpipeclub.co.uk/
- Japan: http://www.pipeclub-jpn.org/
- Taiwan: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!2v0foK6QFRn5nzyHyQw4iNSh
- Lebanon: http://www.pipecluboflebanon.org
- Istanbul Pipe Club of Turkey: http://www.istanbulpipodernegi.org
- Singapore: http://singaporepipeandcigarsmokers.com/
Other pipe smokers communities
- Pipe academy: http://www.pipeacademy.org